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Just some of the wire snares that have been confiscated.Bones of some of the poaching victims.To become a game ranger, one must pass a 6-week intense military-style training which includes survival skills out in the bush. This is a sample camp that 2 rangers must build, with the surrounding thorn bush protection 2 meters high, within 30 minutes.Info on tracking.A sample snare; the snare is hidden within the twigs at the bottom left, brush is placed to funnel the animal towards the snare.Various types of snares.I love this ranger's t-shirt. This particular ranger is one of the dog handlers.One of many thorn trees; the thorns are long and SHARP!Buffalo snares.Lion and leopard snares.Giraffe snares. Giraffes are4 killed by poachers only for their tails, which are then used to make jewelry. The rest of the giraffe is left behind.A poacher's camp.Info on rhino poaching.Info on rhino poaching.Info on rhino poaching.Info on investigating the crime scene. The dog is one of their tracking dogs.

The dogs used for tracking and apprehending suspected poachers. They are extremely well-trained dogs.